Complete Blood Count

The Complete Blood Count is a test that measures your blood counts including  hemoglobin.


  • $29.00


  • No fasting required


  • HSA/FSA: accepted
  • Sample type: blood
  • Age: 18+ years of age to purchase.
  • Results in 2-3 days following collection. 

1. White Blood Cell Count with differential  

2. Red blood cell count

3. Red blood cell indices: MCV, MCH, MCHC

4. Hemoglobin

5. Hemotocrit

6. Platelet count

1. For annual measurement of your hemoglobin and blood counts in conjunction with an annual physical. 

2. If your having signs and symptoms of anemia such as fatigue and pale skin. 

3. Your doctor may order this test as part of their evaluation.

Step 1:
Choose your Step

Shedule an appointment and pay online

Step 2:
Provide Sample

Bring confirmation number a long with Photo ID to our location

Step 3:
Access Your results online

View result online by logging in to your Account